
Unser Weg zu einem klimaneutralen Gebäude


It is cheap, ecological and available

It is cheap, ecological and available

In a series of public meetings we discuss specific themes to generate input for our research project. The first of these “Echo Spaces” was on the topic of organic isolation materials. We discussed in particular the use and possibilities of straw.

Mountains don’t have cardboard

Mountains don’t have cardboard

The post-use phase of a building: It is mostly a matter of quick demolishment and dumping the ‘waste’. The experts on the matter explain that it has to do with time and money. At the moment it is for instance much cheaper to make plasterboard by carving the gypsum from a mountain, than by recycling old materials. How can we in our building get to a better rate of recycling and reuse?

Applying biobased materials

Applying biobased materials

Excursion to the House of Learning to study the application of biobased materials. Walls are made of wood frames filled with straw and plastered with mud. Even the elevator shaft is made of wood.

Numbers and their meaning

Numbers and their meaning

What is a tonne of CO₂? Is it much, little, big, small? The experts of IBO, the Austrian Institute for Building and Ecology help to figure things out. As a team we try to get a grip on how climate neutral our building is.